Today is Jack's first day of kindergarten.

They stagger the start days for the kindergarteners, so half went yesterday,
half today, and then they'll all go tomorrow.
Odd i say, but whatever works.
Making Jack believe this was a good plan was difficult,
he wanted so badly to join the brothers yesterday when they started school....
This morning he woke up singing...
"I'm going to school today...I'm going to school today...I'm going to school today..."
So now...
I'm officially a stay at home mom....with NO kids at home.
the up side is,
perhaps my house will be clean now?....
maybe I'll workout...?
who knows.

I'm just going to vote for having another baby...
is that wrong?!?
I didn't cry.
I fully expected I might today....
but I didn't.
How could I? He was so THRILLED...and excited....
Jack was my most "difficult" baby...of the three... VERY determined...VERY headstrong...but also this giant ray of light....the HAPPIEST baby...with such a sweet spirit....
he's still that same baby...
in bigger form...
still independent, and shiny....

what seems the most unreal to me,
is that he's five.
Trust me,
people say "enjoy it, time flies"...
and it is one of those things that people often say...and it's actually true.
I just REALLY love my boys!
Yesterday went well...
Colten likes his new teacher.
In Coley style everything was "fine".
"How was school?" "fine"

"Do you like your teacher?" "She's fine."
"How was lunch?" "fine"
"Do you like the kids in your class" "not weally"
"Do you learn anything?" "not weally"
Excellent O....
Jared on the other hand was a bundle of stories....
non-stop stories actually...
that is,
after he made it home.
Jared is walking to middle school this year.
Something to do w/ me not being cool, or him being too cool...
there was some cool-ness factor that I couldn't disrupt...
So he walked to school...

and at 4pm...
he wasn't home,
and i was panicking...
because that's what i do best....
so the littles and i drive around looking for him....
we're not THAT far from the school...
so i go around the block....
i call colin...
i drive to the school finally...
near tears at this point.
and there is my son....
sitting in front of the school.
he "didn't know he was suppose to walk home"
help me deal w/ this pre-teen boy of mine.
the male mind is sooooo far removed from the way mine thinks...

and at this age...
he knew to walk there...but not home.
he knows to walk home today :)
we can only hope for the best.
the best Jared story yesterday by far was the one about the girl in his class named...
the teacher called her SHI-toria...

and the girl corrected her every time w/ it's "SHIT-oria"....
that was my favorite.
(as an what point did the gym uniforms become stylish? Because frankly....I think it's a right of passage...and ALL middle schoolers should HAVE to wear polyester shorts and dorky gym shirts....Jared's gym shorts, and a white t-shirt w/ the school mascot on it.....sheeesh.....)
Just to really drive home the fact I have nothing exciting to talk about other than my boys....
Colten was doing homework yesterday...
and was disgusted,
because it involved writing the numbers 1-25 in a grid...

and he thought he was way above writing #1-25...
(which is true...)
so he finishes and I tell him to write his name at the top of his paper...
and w/o blinking he writes the entire thing mirrored.
we are fairly certain he's dyslexic...
and he's being tested for it...
but that blew me away.
he's always just done a couple letters....
or numbers....
but the entire name.
and he wrote it just as quick as you or i would write our name the "right" wa

I said ...son, that's backwards...
"oh" he says...
erases it, and rewrites it the other way...
as though,
it really didn't matter to him at all one way or another...
because I truly think he can read it either way.....
his mind is soooo unique...
and just incredibly cool to me....
i know that it can be frustrating to him...
so it makes me sad at times....that things will be more difficult then they need to be for him....
Ok, I'm going to work on this today I think.
LOVE those girls...
even though,
I'm fairly certain they hate me...and are completely trying to kick my ass through cyberspace....(they're doing a pretty good job at it actually).....
10 pieces of patterned paper...hmmmm......xe