Tuesday, August 03, 2010

A photo a day in August sounded like a brilliant plan,
until August totally snuck up on me...
What the heck?!? Not cool August...not cool.
So here are a few from Sunday at the Cleveland Art Museum:
Just funny...
Jared and I are soooo mature.
Colin says I'm a teenage boy.

Me "shooting" the camera. I may have taken a photo of some guns, and I may have been told I was "keeeeling" the artwork because I may have used my flash...

I grew up in art museums, the guards can bite me.
the boys and I keeled things with the camera after that...cuz we're funny.
(and clearly easily amused)

(phone pic) from yesterday:
Joined the stupid rec center...
the boys are happy...
I'm reminded I'm not a huge fan of other people's children.
Good heavens...

and (webcam pic) today:
A phone call from Germany...from my essie.
Makes for a happy happy happy e.
oh. the. happy.

We are still in the hotel.
New hotel home record this time...which makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little.
Waiting to hear back from the sellers after the inspection...
holding my breath...
just a little.
Photo a day in August...officially in effect.
It's on like donkey kong.
JelloLOVE and KoolAidKisses


sarah said...

1. i LOVE that eminem played when clicked on your blog. LOVE.

2. what in the world is a vagina war?! do i want to know?!

3. i can't believe you had the nerve to keel things with your flash at the museum. how rude ;)

4. dear Lord please let e's suite life adventure end SOON. please + thank you, love sarah.

5. i'm now craving jello. mmmm. jello!


pakosta said...

you guys are all hilarious!
your boys are so lucky to have
a FUN MOM!!!!

and YES to photo a day in august, except I forgot to take one today...oops! maybe will run up and get one of them reading and use flash LOL!

essie said...

how smartie are you taking the webcam snap while we chatted?!!
i'll do that next time from this side of the phone-
yesterday was like opening the best birthday gift EVER
many more calls will come!

the photos are missing one diabolical colten lurking over a brother's shoulder...
"make it work people!"
but the keel shot snaps, pretty priceless, sweetpea!

hang in there room 204, life outside of The Wire is right around the corner!
jello LOVE and kool aid kisses