our home computer is very much broken. colin's work computer is allowing me some internet time at the moment.... otherwise we are currently internetless. aka unplugged. be back soon. i hope. xxxe
I know it might seem pricey (ok, it really is pricey) but if you need to replace your computer, get a Mac. you'll love it for all your photo stuff and they have a back-to-school deal going on now where students get a discount and a free (rebated) ipod touch!
♥ my happy: my boys, my family, my friends, the lake, lip gloss, coffee, my camera, the sun, campfires, fireworks, pink and red, nailpolish, my boots, the way my dad's print studio smells, fishing, harleys, funny people, the beach and a stack of magazines, water, my intuition, weeping willows, black and gray, homemade gifts, good artwork, hard cider, soccer, guacamole, my truck, food off the grill, black shirts, lilacs, burgers, baseball games, mexican food...
I know it might seem pricey (ok, it really is pricey) but if you need to replace your computer, get a Mac. you'll love it for all your photo stuff and they have a back-to-school deal going on now where students get a discount and a free (rebated) ipod touch!
Do it....
oh no! hope your computer is fixed SOON. xx.
i miss you.
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