sooo, i not only posted my cj layout on 2peas, BUT i'm updating my blog as well...
big day for e.
now, if my house was clean and dinner was cooking....i'd be set.
the bad- my hubby left this morning at 5am.
he started his new job today and will live in temporary housing until our house sells.
MAJOR bummer.
especially since, being the eternal ray of sunshine optimist i am (NOT)...i think our house will NEVER sell ;)
BUT, it's really not that was worse when he moved here, and the boys and i were still in iowa....and he couldn't come home on the weekends.
he can come home on the it'll be ok.
heck, i live in a military town....i see husbands leave for a year at a time...
(amazing those military families...truly)...
this is a piece of cake in comparison.
(cake gab, cake)
the happy- i purchased some lovely flamingo ornaments for my tree this weekend ...
i will post pictures (a la april, erin and kristi) as soon as i get the tree up.
which will be next weekend.
i'm so excited....i LOVE Christmas time...
the funny- what's cracked me up ALL day?
(hopefully gabby doesn't mind me sharing ;) )
my sister emails me.....and on one acc't i'm e, and on another i'm "colin" (which is my hub's name) she forgets, and emails the "colin" email, which on that acc't happens to be colin's work email.
colin has left that job.
so, the funny part of this story is that the email she sent colin, which was intended for me...
went to colin's old boss AND the manager that's filling in for him.
for some reason, i found this hysterical.
probably because she signed it w/ tons of x's and o's....
so i can only imagine what the people reading colin's email were thinking.
(then again, i'm easily amused)
the mike- yes, uncle mike, I'm talking to you ;)
So my dear sweet brother-in-law, gabby's husband, MIKE....teaches Jack something absolutely adorable this weekend. (Insert my kids saying "and that would be sarcasm" here.)
Now when you ask my son
"what kind of haircut do you want Jack?"
he replies w/o hesitation ...on cue ...
oooh yes... mullet.
just you wait....when you have kids....noisy toys are coming your way ;)
yes they are....
...and.....before i sign off...
HANNI is a finalist in the Basic Grey's BE BOLD album contest!!!!i'm so excited for her....she's such a sweet girl, and just so ridiculously talented, it's unfair ;)
she just awes me constantly....
anyway...congratulations dear Hanni.
ERIN has a BLOG!!! Which i'll have gabby link on mine...because, well, i won't lie...i don't know how. Love miss erin keener.....another sweet amazing talent i've been blessed to meet.
ok, i had a wonderful thanksgiving, and will hopefully have some FLOTILLA photos to share SOON. (not digital remember...slight delay)... have a good evening loveys xxxe