it rained pretty much the entire time we were there....
Evan's facial expressions more than make up for the bad light, and my crappy photo taking skills...
here are a whole bunch of random cute baby shots.....
"First we'll make snow angels for a two hours, then we'll go ice skating, then we'll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse Cookiedough as fast as we can, and then we'll snuggle." -Buddy

I like to call this series "what the hell do you mean my aunt's truck broke down again in Tennessee?"

"are you kidding me?"...

"ok, enough of that already"....

this one just makes me smile....

my boys with some whoa bad hair, and a cute-tastical babe.....

Jared after telling him he looked like he was posing for a teen pregnancy poster...

Ev was totally not scared by Uncle Colin this time....making for a very happy Col...

ooooh, I love seeing my husband with babies.
you hear that honey? I love seeing you with babies. hint...hint.

Gabby wanted a photo next to Jared to show how tall he is.
of course Col pointed out it looks like a brother/sister shot.
just as long as I don't look old enough to be mom to both of them.....
aren't they cute? and isn't he tall?!?

Colten was just completely enamored with the baby...
"Francisco! That's fun to say! Francisco... Frannncisco... Franciscooo" -Buddy the elf, and Colten the not elf....

and I just love this one, because Jack looks so happy.

hard to handle all the cuteness, huh? I understand...
are the best.
and these pictures are the best.
and ev misses you guys sooooooo much. i love the pics of col and ev. and the boys w/ ev. man. i love them alllllllllllll. ev misses having coley play with him. i know this fo' sho'.
and we do look like brother and sister in that shot.
he is so tall.
i am so short.
i love youuuuuuuuuu.
so much.
and i miss you.
and i want you to come back.
but i'm PRETTY sure you don't want to do that drive again. soon. or ever.
beyond CUTENESS!!!!!!!
oh my stars...
talk for one second about the serious family resemblance!
and much much cuteness, and much much bigger boys then the ones that lived once upon a time on Miranda Drive...
loving and missing all of you willard-feketes...
holy moly that's a cute kid.
all 4, really.
so what's the car status?
you have to post b/c g was very worried. and now i'm curious and v. glad you're safe and sound.
p.s. the paper trees are fab too.
Those pictures are CUTE CUTE CUTE!!
All those boylies in one place makes me smile... not to mention a sisser reunion :)
I'm glad you're home safe... and I'm sad for your truck. :(
all of those pictures just make me smile real big. such happy fun pics.
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