when Jack was a baby,
I could put him in his snowsuit,
and lay him on the floor,
and he wouldn't move an inch...
he wouldn't even attempt to right himself.
he could.
but for some reason the snowsuit confused him, and he would just lay there.
super convenient for me.
I could pack up the diaper bag, organize the snacks and whatever else the older boys (2 and 6) needed....while my mover and shaker was still.
Colten would never let Jack just remain helpless on his back.
the minute he noticed,
he would "flip" him...
so that the smallest man could go again.
cute huh?
I love the second to last photo...they look so tickled with themselves.
They still have a very sweet, sometimes tumultuous, relationship.
I'm so, so glad they are close in age...and can share these childhood moments together.
Every night I have to say
"Boys...no more talking. Go. To. Sleep!"
many, many times...
Colin will say...
"Shhhh-hh...let them talk. I think it's sweet."
I do too,
but then you try getting them up in the morning.
*A few more random things on my mind*
(yes even more random than that photo series of my boys from 7 years ago)
1. It's been rain rain rainy here.
Which I like actually...the rain is nice
the school pick-up situation...
not so nice.
We literally live behind Jack's school.
there is a BIG field that separates us...
School ends at 2:50.
The parent (car) pick-up line starts forming at 2:10!
I kid you not...and it wraps around the loop, into the street, and beyond...
So. Jack walks home.
Only when it's raining....
I have to make a decision whether or not to go pick him up...
obviously before 2:10...
Monday it had rained in the morning,
and then sort of cleared,
weather.com said 0% chance of precipitation.
decision = let him walk.
Kid you not.
2:50 exactly...the sky opened up, and the rain didn't just come down....
it poured down.
So, I cursed weather.com (that still said 0%)
grabbed an umbrella, put on my rainboots....
and headed out across the field.
I get to my shiny bright son...
who looked at me with all the seriousness in the world...
and said "What the crap Mom?!? You couldn't just drive over to pick me up?"
Angelic really.
It stopped raining midway back across the field...
I was still laughing at his expression and "what the crap" when I got in bed that night....
2. I had forgotten until Gabby's comment on my last post about the Sonic cups...
Colten was notorious for punching holes in the bottom of the FULL cups when he was little.
I can't count the number of times he drenched himself (and his carseat, and the car) in technicolor slushies...
Hysterical that he is still mangling the stupid foam cups....
3. Mother's Day.
Open letter to the folks that organized a soccer tournament, AND a baseball tournament in two DIFFERENT cities Mother's Day weekend....I am not happy with any of you.
Colin, Jared and Colten are going to be in Little Rock that weekend.
Jack and I will be here.
Makes me want to cry.