Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I am not a morning person, and 6:30 came much too quickly...
but they're off
it's the first day of school.
and so,
because it's tradition...
I give you the obligatory first day shots.

(the fingers represent the grade, not which gang they're members of)
I can not believe my BABY is in the third grade.Coley the 5th grader. (haircut tonight)love that smile...and last, but not least....
wait for it...
my first born is a freshman.and a smartass that didn't want to participate in first day photos...
so you take what you can get.

I love you so much my boys.
I can't wait to hear about your day.


pakosta said...

they grow up too fast!
your freshman is mighty TALL!
mine are in 3rd and 4th this year, they start tuesday......
and can you believe savannah with her comments on my blog?! i told her to STOP IT!!! LOL!

gabbyfek said...

i love them so much, TOO.
how is your baby so old???

sarah said...

happy first day of school to your boys! i can't believe you're the mom of a freshman. how is that possible?


Shaun said...

I love your photos! A Freshman, can you stand it. I think it is so cool that we both do the finger photo. I hope they had a great day!

Missy said...

oh my goonesss gracious.
they are big!
Congrats on yet another first day of school...
we have ours next week :)

ann said...

Erika - Is Jared *really* that much taller than Colten and Jack! WOW!!