little boys and trains. quite possibly the best combination ever.
I told Colin last night that what would have given him the biggest kick was when I asked Colten what all the army men were for....
"Oh, you know... for cowboys and indians. I'm tying them to the tracks and letting the train run over them..."
Yep. perfect.
we put the Christmas tree up yesterday.
even though Jared informed us a dozen times that it wasn't even thanksgiving yet and that we were nuts.
in my defense we will be gone next weekend....and I am all about the tree.
so I would much rather have an extra week, than be a week short in tree-love.
we were just happy to get to see Jared, even a whiny Jared....
Jared hasn't been spending much time on the weekends home with us.

it was bound to happen....but I can tell you we miss having him around.
she is just gorgeous. goodness.
and such a sweet sweet girl ...
and it's a group of them. not just a two of them. which makes me feel better...
he's still my widdle tiny baby though, ok? let's just pretend....
so the tree.
is up.
I mentioned that. what I didn't mention is that Colten went to turn the lights on this morning and....
no, I lie. one strand will light up.
Clark: Russ, we checked every bulb, didn't we?
Rusty: Sure, Dad.
Clark: Hmm... Maybe we ought to just go up there and check...
Rusty: Oh, woo. Look at the time. I gotta get to bed. I still gotta brush my teeth, feed the hog, still got some homework to do, still got those bills to pay, wash the car...
Colin is going to miraculously fix it tonight because I can't even think about taking all the ornaments off and re-doing the tree.
can not go there.
Spent the morning at Jack's school. They had a hoe-down.
I was suppose to dress up in "western wear"...
I wore a black shirt.
not very festive of me....I know.
the best part. they had a relay race that involved dressing up....so you quickly had to change and put all these big clothes on top of your own.
leave it to my child to pull off his own pants.
poor Jack.
luckily he laughed.
(and pulled his pants back up)
also lucky for him he wears boxers, and they didn't come off.
Ok, off to organize for our trip NC. we leave Wednesday!